Lots of Beef is Back! Plus A&A Eggs, Strawberries, Hummus, Pesto, Mushrooms & More!

What We Have and What’s Expected for the Week of March 17th

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At long last, a bunch of our Local Cooling Farms grass-finished beef is back in stock. I made the trip to our butcher in Summit, Miss. today and brought five beeves worth of beef to be palletized at extra freezer space we rent and then brought as many boxes as would fit in our retail freezers to the shop.

Fun fact, it’s been awhile since this has happened, but every single cut I restocked (25 different things) was totally out. A lot of times I’m just adding more inventory to at least half the items!

So there’s now ground beef in one or two pound packs, plus Caveman ground beef blend, hamburger size patties, filet, tenderloin tips, ribeye, NY strips, teres major steaks, flank, hanger and skirt steaks, bavette, picanha and tri tips, chuck eye, Denver and flat iron steaks, brisket, chuck roasts, eye of round roasts, stew meat, oxtail and kidney.

Plus we also restocked a bunch of pork, chicken and a few goat items on Friday.

The Hammond Farmer's Market was called off because of the severe weather on Saturday, so we bought a bunch of eggs from A&A Acres. We don’t have hens that lay blue and green eggs anymore, so it’s fun to have the assortment. Their eggs are $9 a dozen and when we bring ours back later in the week, we should be able to drop to that price, too, now that production has increased.

We have a bunch of fresh goat dairy items that came in today, along with strawberries I picked up from Faust Farms on the way back from the butcher.

There’s also lots of beautiful salad greens and carrots from Compostella and a bunch of mushrooms from Screaming Oaks and Family Fungi.

Pesto is back after a few week hiatus, plus there's hummus, Brussels sprouts, other root veggies and sweet potatoes, rice and grits, teas and tinctures, fresh coffee, chili oil and seasonings and hot sauces, veggie ferments, stone-milled flour and more.

Store & Hub Schedule/Hours

We’ve got a fairly normal schedule of our biweekly hubs this week (our Carrollton Hub and deliveries are still on pause as Bellegarde reorganizes).

  • Mid-City on Tuesday, 5-6 pm at the Second Line Brewing, 433 N Bernadotte St. Home deliveries in 70005, 70119, 70122 and 70124 beforehand. Deadline to order is noon on Tuesday.

  • Uptown on Wednesday, 4-5 pm at the New Orleans Jewish Community Center, 5342 St. Charles Ave. Home deliveries in 70112, 70113, 70115, 70118, 70125 and 70130 beforehand. Deadline to order noon on Wednesday.

  • Bywater on Thursday, 5-6 pm at Parleaux Beer Lab, 634 Lesseps St. Home deliveries in 70116 and 70117 beforehand. Deadline to order is noon on Thursday.

Here's the full list breakdown of all our grocery categories:

  • Donations for Mutual Aid: Produce and meat shares available for purchase. Should be ready for another drop off this week!

  • Pastured Eggs: Our hens are increasing their production and we have tons of eggs to sell from A&A Acres this week, too.

  • Pastured Dairy: Plenty of goat milk and cheeses, along with yogurt from Southern Maids and Feliciana’s Best products will be delivered on Tuesday as usual.

  • Bread & Pasta: Out of Bellegarde products for now as they are closed for a reorganization. We do have some frozen pasta from Il Supremo and will get more fresh pasta on Tuesday.

  • Local Produce: Frozen blueberries, strawberries, arugula, lettuce, baby mustard or Stellar Winter salad mix, Brussels sprouts, many different types of gourmet mushrooms, carrots, purple or red daikon radishes and sweet potatoes.

  • Plant-Based Protein: Plain, plus two flavors of tofu and fried mushroom tofu, too.

  • Forest-Raised Pork: Bacon and bacon ends, tenderloin, bone-in or boneless chops, jowls, Boston butts, stew meat, plain ground pork, ground chorizo sausage, plus small breakfast links, smoked Andouille links and bratwurst, Cajun and hot pork sausage links. There’s also lard or skin pieces (for cracklins) and kidneys and tongues. We’re continuing a sale on spare ribs, smoked hocks, bones, feet and liver. And more pigs are going in to harvest tomorrow, so we should get more cuts we’ve been out of back in stock in about two weeks.

  • Grassfed Beef: Beef broth, beef bones on sale, plus three options for ground beef, two sizes of patties, tenderloin/filet, tender tips, ribeye, NY strip steak, teres major steak, sirloin tip steak, chuck eye, picanha, bavette, flank, hanger, skirt, flat iron and Denver steaks, tri tips, brisket, chuck roasts, eye of round roasts, stew meat, short ribs, kidney, oxtail and a few types of fat to render for tallow.

  • Wild-Foraged Goat Meat: There’s plenty of ground goat, loin or rib chops (also known as rack steaks), whole racks of goat, chuck (shoulder) or leg roasts, stew meat/kebab pieces, ribs, shanks, bones and paya (trotters).

  • Pastured Poultry: Whole birds in two sizes from Credo Farms, plus leg quarters, drumsticks, wings, bones and feet from them, too, and boneless chicken breasts from Pearl River Pastures. We’re excited to start getting chicken from Pearl River Pastures directly this week and without the distributors margin included, there will be significant a price drop on their whole birds and cuts.

  • Gulf Seafood: Down to just medium size shrimp, but hope to restock by the end of the week. Alligator strips, red group filets, black drum filets, sheepshead filets, flouder, snapper or grouper collars and red grouper taco strips. And there’s two types of smoked fish portions.

  • Coffee & Tea: Whole beans and ground coffee from Flamjeaux and we have several herbal tea blends from Family Fungi. And we also have Church Alley cold brew, chai concrete and simple syrups.

  • Dips & Condiments: Hummus and fresh pesto from Nur’s Kitchen. Another restock will be Wednesday this week.

  • Pantry: Oyster mushroom powder and Caps & Cream soup and dip mix from ALL CAPS. Plus there’s more apple cider vinegar from Scott’s Orchard, crop to popcorn, plenty of granola and Guidry’s pecan oil, pecan butter, glazed pecans and pecan oil. Plus there’s dried mushrooms from Family Fungi, two kinds of mushroom seasoning, chili oil from VEGGI Coop, hot sauce, chili crisp and sambal from Southern Chili Lab, Texas olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

  • Sweets: Plenty of honey in both glass jars and squeeze bottles, plus elderberry juice, infused elderberry honey, infused blueberry honey and creamed honey. Out of maple syrup until we get the 2025 batch — trying to sort out the logistics for that soon.

  • Rice, Grains & Stone Ground Corn Products: Lots of rice, grits, cornmeal and whole grain and clay pea options from Two Brooks Rice and Marsh Hen Mill, plus more stone-milled flours from Barton Springs Mill.

  • Ferments: We’re out of kombucha at the moment but there but there’s veggie ferments -- several types of kimchi and other fermented veggies from Gingberbooch, VEGGI Coop and Resurrection Gardens.

  • Preserves: Blueberry, black and blue and strawberry jams, plus fig preserves, hibiscus and muscadine jelly and more are back in stock at long last! There’s also an array of pepper jellies and pickles, all from Josey’s Goods.

  • Herbal Remedies: Fire Cider from Family Fungi, plus a few elderberry syrup options from Cockeyed Farms and Family Fungi. And there's several herbal tinctures and mushroom extractions from ALL CAPS and Family Fungi.

  • Merch: Canvas bags and insulated totes, t-shirts, hats, mugs and greeting cards.