With a shared love of nurturing the community through vegetables, RQG founders Cheryl Nunes and Annie Moore started their urban farm on a half acre in New Orleans’ Bywater neighborhood in 2017. 

Today, they’ve expanded to Algiers, on New Orleans' West Bank, across the street from the Mississippi River. Their farm juxtaposes small-scale agriculture with global industry and the fertile river-fed soil produces abundant, healthy vegetables. 

Using better-than-organic growing practices intended to promote both the health of the soil and their customers, they add organic compost and nutrients to the soil instead of chemical fertilizers and never spray chemical pesticides. They are dedicated to sustainable land stewardship, the proliferation of local agriculture in the region and increasing access to farmland and farm employment opportunities for under-represented populations.

Location: Lower Coast Algiers, La.

Website: riverqueengreens.com

Products: Basil, Beets, Carrots, Eggplants, Fennel, Greens, Herbs, Microgreens, Okra, Peppers, Radish, Squash, Turnips

Practices: Certified Naturally Grown (peer farmer versus government certification), no chemical pesticides

Kate Estrade